Banjo Valencia


Finally we can spread our music and sound design for the TV Channel "Caza y Pesca"
There are a total of 80 pieces including IDs, promos, fillers, bumpers, packaging, programs and diverse sound objects that have been carefully design for the channel.


The client needed to update and refresh the mood of the TV channel. They came from an old-style audio concept as spanish guitars, usual sound design and they were accusing the mad impression that some people have about hunting.

We proposed, an audio concept based in the perception of the hunter as an animal. As part in the nature. He/her perceived the sound of the wind thru the grass, the birds flapping their wings, the sound of the water in a ripple. And then , the music provides all that make us so special among the rest of the animals. Culture. A mixture of jazz, and minimal electronic music emphasize the sequence of detecting the prey, and catching it. All the music and sound design are tailored as a one unique thing. Nature, culture, emotion and stress… All the same thing.

For the bumpers, and titles, we combined sounds of nature, ancient flutes, beeps of electronic devices, old drums… All of that again to give a texture of tradition, culture, modernity and advance use of technology to the Channel.


We experimented using cymbal rides, Vintage analog synths, taikos, and paid special attention to the low end of the sound. That placed the music in the spectrum we needed for a good marriage with the realistic nature sounds, that in some moments were also filtered and processed to put it in the head of the hunter as a intra-subjective shot. We did not use any library or presets in the sound design nor in the synths. We designed every sound from scratch.

Production co: Comodo Screen
Creativity & Direction: Comodo Screen
Client: Movistar+
Creative Director: Iñaki Martikorena.
Project Manager Caza y Pesca Channel: Ignacio Contreras García
Audio Director Movistar+ : Omar Tenani
Audio Creativity & Production: BanjoMusic


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