Alessandro Miasi Senior Creative Copywriter


The Brief

The Ligeti Quartet is probably the less classic classical quartet ever. The music they play (from György Ligeti) is quintessentially experimental and extremely complicated to perform.

The Idea

We made a music clip where we showed exactly how their music feels. By using simple off-the-shelf brainwave monitors, we’ve been able to read the brainwaves of the quartet as they play the track. We used those data and treated them as a beautiful visualisation of the performance.

Full Credits

Creatives: Alessandro Miasi, Andrea Foresi, Billy Bernhardt, Milan Desai, Stefanie DiGianvincenzo
Directors: Matt Batten, Alex Zeeman
Sound Engineering: Paul Bishop
Audio Production: Tom Green
Post Production: Alex Zeeman

The Ligeti Quartet

Violin 1: Mandhira de Saram
Violin 2: Patrick Dawkins
Viola: Richard Jones
Cello: Valerie Wellbanks


Art Director’s Club - Merit
Awardeo - Video of the week
The Drum - Creative Work Of The Week
Vega Digital Awards 2016: Gold - Innovative / Experimental
Vega Digital Awards 2016: Platinum - Technology / Science


  • Ligeti QuartetClient

Who pooled - Musician Mind-Reading