Ami Alush Chief Creative Officer


Yep. Monday August 26 is 'International Dog Day', and while most brands would probably choose to disregard this information, we thought we'd celebrate it by telling Israelis that the Tel Aviv Azrieli Mall is now a canine friendly mall. While dogs are greatly loved all over Israel, Tel Aviv takes it to a different level. There are 25,000 registered hounds in Tel Aviv - which is one pooch for every 17 human city-dwellers, effectively the highest per-capita ratio of dogs to people in the world, making it 'the most dog-friendly city in the world'.
Agency: Leo Burnett, Tel Aviv
The city offers dog owners and their pooches everything: from a designated digi-dog app for access to important information like vaccination reminders, a lists of vets, dog walkers and training courses right down to directions to the nearest dog park, info about dog movie screenings, doggy marathons, and festivals. So, to celebrate Tel Aviv’s love affair with its pooches and entice dog owners to visit Azrieli Malls, we spread dog bones all over Tel-Aviv and sprayed them with a scent that would attract our four-legged friends. We then targeted dog owners on social media and provided them with clues as to the whereabouts of our SNIFF CARDS. Once found, owners could scan the bone and were issued a 200 NIS SNIFF CARD, redeemable at specialty shops within the Azrieli Mall. Now that’s what we call a campaign with flair


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Azrieli Sniff Card
