Andy Webb Print Supervisor


PVC banner – Learning Resource Centre, Hollingdean Depot
This was designed to promote the Learning Resource Centre for council staff at Hollingdean Depot, Brighton. As the council was working in partnership with the GMB union, I had to combine their logo colours with the council branding style.

PVC banner – The Mayor’s Charities
Following tradition, the Mayor of Brighton & Hove selects three charities to support during their term of office. The Mayor and the charities work together to hold events throughout the year. This banner was designed using a ‘politically neutral’ coloured version of the council branding and is displayed at events across the city. The charity logos are printed separately and added as interchangeable patches.

PVC banner – South Portslade Safer Routes to School
Produced for the School Travel Team to use as part of a public consultation display, this banner features the various solutions suggested by traffic engineers for making journeys to school safer for children in the South Portslade area.


  • Brighton & Hove City CouncilClient

Brighton & Hove City Council – Various Projects

