Caterina Bianchini Creative Director + Designer


Neusteller is an organisation in Switzerland, run by Andreas Graf that works with spiritual teaching, mindfulness workshops and individual counselling.

Tarot cards were designed to promote each of Neustellar's classes ranging from Old age and wisdom to Crisis intervention. The concept behind creating designs that referenced Tarot cards was that tarot cards are used to indicate the future, give a sense of what might be ahead, to allow for the individual to plan or accept. Neteller's classes are designed to help with your future, and support your mental progression through mindfulness teaching, working in a similar way to tarot cards, but with the grounding of psychology and philosophy.

The designs were created to be a graphic interpretation of each of the classes, with reference to tree lifelines being used for the old age and wisdom card and outlines of mountainous shapes for the new perspectives on healing card. Each card was designed using this thought process to create designs tha


Who pooled - Neusteller