Harry Fox Designer


Brief - A unifying identity

Create a branding system and digital presence that communicates Flit Technologies’ world-class mobility software. This should showcase the new ecosystem of product offerings, the diversity of business units and the collaboration of teams world-wide.

Approach - Better Together

To celebrate the coming together of multiple entities, we developed a brand with a series of gradients and overlapping circles to represent progressive movement in unison. The interlocking marque embodies the spirit of ’Better Together’, a principle at the heart of Flit Technologies’ strategy. To showcase the interchangeable collection of software tools, we built a family of products that are made from the visual style and shapes depicted in the brand marque, while keeping a distinct colour palette for each business unit. This allowed each to keep a sense of ownership and identity, within the wider Flit Technologies family. We worked closely with the client to appropriately name and design each product in relation to its function.

Outcome - Moving forward

The branding and website has been well-received by RCI Bank and Services, the main financial backer behind Flit Technologies, as well as the teams behind the company’s individual business units. Following the creation of a CVI style guide and digital design system by Brand42, the internal teams within Flit Technologies will continue to grow the brand, as they look to collaborate with a growing number of pioneers in the mobility sector.


  • Flit TechnologiesClient

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