The Challenge
Butterfly Twists is a fashion brand that sells pumps, wellies and ballet shoes that fit perfectly into the lives of young urban women. We were engaged by the entrepreneurial owners to reposition the brand, establishing how it needed to look speak and behave to be more relevant to consumers. Our key thought – ‘Never stick, Twist’ – captured the role of the brand in empowering women to get ahead of the curve.

Creative Idea
The sharper brand positioning and new key thought enabled the brand to move away from generic, floaty feminine footwear communication to a bold and playful expression, in other words, less ‘hmmmm’ and more ‘hell, yes!’

Creative Expression
Our take on the brand’s butterfly logo became a living, breathing entity that grew, tessellated and multiplied as it spread its wings. Not just a framework for brand consistency and recognition, it could also be a platform for visual twists, layers and reveals, whether it be shoeboxes or window displays. Vibrant brand colours and a tone-of-voice injected a sense of pace that did the rest.


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