Guess who’s finally invited to the big match?
Your furry best friend. Dog owners can now kick back & have fun with their pawfect companion at CITYPARK!

We have been working with Nestle Purina and St. Louis CITY SC to launch the #PurinaClub at CITYPARK, the first-ever permanent pet-friendly stadium space in MLS. Stadium architects collaborated with Purina pet experts and scientists to thoughtfully design the space to ensure pets have a positive and safe experience.

To bring the partnership to life, we have engaged local and national talent from the soccer and StL community as well as selected petfluencers such as Brodie That Dood to increase awareness of the unique partnership and in-stadium activation.


  • Nestle PurinaClient

Momentum Worldwide has been a Contributor since 10th February 2017.

Invite x3

Nestle Purina US – Purina Club

