Rafael Merel VP Creative


In Women's Month, Óticas Diniz, the largest optical retail chain in Brazil, aims to provoke reflection on the reasons why society - and consequently, artificial intelligence algorithms - do not see women occupying leadership positions in the same proportion as men.

The company, which has a female leadership team including the presidency, marketing and communication directorate, implementation and operations directorate, as well as 70% of management composed of female leaders and more than 50% of stores commanded by franchised female directors, used Women's Month to launch the film "Not So Intelligent After All."

The film uses images generated through artificial intelligence to reflect responses to commands such as showing someone with the title of CEO, a business person, and a startup founder, all of whom are men. The accompanying text reads, "As long as it only sees men, no artificial intelligence will be truly intelligent."

The campaign is part of the #SeeWithRespect platform, which the company uses to support social causes, such as the LGBTQIA+."


  • Luciane GomesClient
Annual 2023 People's ChoiceNot So IntelligentSocial Good Project featured: on 13th July 2023 Contributor:

Rafael Merel has been a Contributor since 25th November 2015.

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Not So Intelligent
