Seb Hill ECD


We are all unique individuals. Unfortunately, living in our mass market world, when it comes to our wellness, it is all too often, one size fits all. Hupe stands boldly against the status quo by creating hyper-personalised health plans, intricately tailored to each person's unique biology, physiology, and genetics. When it came time to develop their brand visual identity and overall art direction, we let this personalised, human-first mission guide us. Every element of our VI is centred around their members.

Photography captures the essence of connection and individuality, with members always at the forefront, framed by the dynamic energy of their lifestyle. Typography, like the commanding Non Natural Grotesk, mirrors Hupe's fusion of advanced AI and compassionate care. And at the centre of this bold design lies our brand mark, “the Nueculous” and Hupe’s “Organic strands.” Distinct assets that serve to make each piece of communication as ownable as it is beautiful.


Annual 2018 JudgeIntegrated Contributor:

Seb Hill has been a Contributor since 28th February 2019.

Invite x3

Hupe Brand Launch



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