Displaying 73 - 108 of 1342 results



A quick and handy introduction to in-game advertising

Did you know that, whether your next client’s business is relevant to gamers or not, it doesn’t really matter anymore? Surely if you want to create a fully-fledged integrated campaign to target a gaming audience, you should probably...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How much should I charge as a Freelance Retoucher?

A guide to retouching rates, with tips and advice from experienced professionals in the industry Commercial Retouchers make the beautiful perfect. They are architects of polish, masters of design and how to present a product/campaign under the best...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Here's how Gamification will change advertising

You are having a stroll on the main high street, on your way to your favourite park in town. A few steps away from the main gates, you see a man running towards you. He looks scared. Click here to dodge him. Click here to stop him. You dodge the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Ads that made history: Think Small

World War II is over. The western world is benefitting from an economic boom that is bound to last quite some years, and the effects of which we will still cherish and love many years ahead. Of the numerous societal innovations from those years, the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Global creative calendar: August 2021

Among dozens of momentous events set to play out in the weeks ahead, many are already underway, or will commence with the dawn of August. A large number are also new in this edition. Among them are some of the world's most famous cultural and...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


From Magic Lanterns to ToonBoom: The Outstanding History of Animation

When I was a kid, I used to consume a whole lot of animation. Disney was my favoured choice to fill a boring evening, but I would not disdain Looney Tunes, Pingu (big one for me) or the occasional Matt Groening stuff. To me, animation was a given....

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Global creative calendar: July 2021

As our world continues to shapeshift, some longstanding business and cultural gatherings are inviting us back in person. And still, the trend of innovative online events remains a massive learning opportunity, where access continues to surge. Simply...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


We should do more to champion neurodiversity in the industry

Growing research has established an unbreakable link between neurodiversity and one's propension to creative thinking. The creative industry itself has among the highest rates of neurodiversity representation in the whole business world, from...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Looking back on Annual 2020

Shiny covers have started to flood our social channels, as the trophies for last year’s Annual 2020 reach our winners this week. Looking back on the year that’s just been, it’s hard to say this wasn’t somewhat of an...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The role of Adland in the climate crisis

It’s a problem as old as advertising itself, much debated in the industry every time one dares unearth the topic: Adland sells stuff. As such, it is intrinsically in Adland’s nature to be utterly and completely unable to reach true...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Oscar Pop! 2021’s Best Picture Nominees as Original Pop Art Posters

When casting an eye back over the goings-on this week, I felt a subtle pang of despair. Between the capitalist nightmare that was the ill-fated European Super League, David Cameron lobbying dramas and… more Prince Philip, it all just felt so...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Behind the nature of plastic with Cheil - #BehindTheIdea

Right when you start thinking that creativity cannot be pushed any further, there will always be a campaign such as this one by Cheil Central America ready to amaze any advertising professional out there. The Nature of Plastic was born out of a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a Freelance Writer?

A guide to writing rates, with tips and advice on how to price your freelance services Writers are masters of words, weavers of stories and often incredible storytelling enthusiasts. When writing freelance and online, structure is their best friend,...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Creating Sustainable Brands: a Feature with Friends of the Earth

We’ve all witnessed the push to sustainability in the past decade. What were once talks in the realm of the ‘nice to have’ or some barely formed concerns about the health of our planet have now transformed into sheer fear for some...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Take a deep breath - #MemberSpotlight

Mariano Gabriel Vidal is an animation artist. He is also the character designer behind the 2018 International Emmy Kids Awards Nominee show Mini Beat Power Rockers. The best part is that, by his own admission, Mariano also got into the industry by...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How much should I charge as a Photographer?

A guide to photography rates, with tips and advice from experienced professionals in the industry Telling entire stories with the power of one frame. Capturing emotions in a shot. This is the matter of which photographers are made; masters of...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How brands can survive in the age of cancel culture

Among the many fascinating terms originating from Gen Z and millennials, Cancel Culture is certainly an interesting one. It connects brands and influencers with the direct consequences of their actions, paving the way for an age of brand reputation...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Global creative calendar: March 2021

Warning: Featured happenings in this edition of the Global Creative Calendar are closer than they appear. Over the past few years, these updates have presented you with thousands of opportunities to advance your knowledge, sharpen your skills,...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


The warm, earthy tone of a graphic illustrator - #MemberSpotlight

One can confidently say that the flexibility and spirit of adaptation of Gizane Vive have few equals in the industry. After a decade spent leading a nomadic life across the world, Gizane founded her own brand and started taking projects as a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Global creative calendar: February 2021

The phenomenon known as SXSW was launched in Austin, Texas, USA, back in 1987. Starting on 16 March, the unified 2021 SXSW Conference will introduce what's next in the worlds of film, culture, music and technology, providing rich opportunities for...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


Maciek Michalski and the human side of creativity – #MemberSpotlight

Sure, technology and digital have revolutionised the industry in thousands of positive ways. But according to Maciek Michalski, they have also taken away a bit of the human element that makes the creative industries so special. Maciek, founder of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the life of a video editing contractor - #MemberSpotlight

If you thought getting into the film industry was a bit challenging, wait until you hear the story of Joshua Teicher. In the mid-'90s, before the era of the Internet took place and at the dawn of the information age, Joshua fell in love with cinema...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Animation Trends to watch out for in 2021

2020 was... interesting. An interesting time for all of us, from artists to writers and everything in between. It was also an interesting year for animation, and who knows what will happen in 2021 with that? With people still stuck at home for the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Global creative calendar: January 2021

Presently, hopes for the brand new year are soaring, as each of us takes stock of available opportunities, then takes aim. To see the big picture, you're in the right place. While this schedule of events starts out slowly, its offerings will soon...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


Classy Creativity: a Chat with Cheddar Creative

It takes guts to find the courage to start from scratch. It can go either way. Too many have fallen under the weight of poor planning, but those who have succeeded give us hope that we can do the same. Cheddar Creative is a prime example of that. In...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Designers shouldn’t spend 8 hours a day stuck to a chair

Staying in touch with reality is a powerful drive for your creative inspiration. When we ask those wonderful creatives in our community how they stay inspired, most of them reply that having a walk or looking at the world around is their personal...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Being a creative woman in Covid times

To us men, sitting at a desk and sipping hot drinks from our favourite mug, this pandemic sure felt a bit strange. No more taking the Tube to go to work, no more spending huge chunks of our day to commute and so on. So much time saved. Most...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Breaking your creative patterns

Curiosity brings knowledge. Knowledge brings experience. Experience brings confidence. You are hardly going to make it as a creative if you don't open your mind to new inputs and experiences. We know we babble about that a lot, but the more members...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Discussing the LatAm film industry with filmmaker Alejandro Giorlando

Alejandro Giorlando is a dubbing coordinator for NatGeo by day, and an ambitious, driven filmmaker by night. He dreams of directing his own feature film, even though government support and the problems in the LatAm film industry get in the way....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Most freelancers will need nearly a year to recover from the COVID crisis

Being one of the world’s largest creative communities, Creativepool is in a unique position to understand to what extent the creative industry is recovering from the COVID-19 outbreak. We had the power to make a difference by asking about the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Malcolm Poynton on why you should nurture your ambitions

"It’s always incredibly exciting to build creative teams and inspire them to achieve things greater than they ever expected." Malcolm Poynton is a leader many professionals in the industry would envy. Grown up in New Zealand with sports and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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