Displaying 1369 - 1404 of 1446 results



Tony Malcolm, Leo Burnett

We don’t make brands famous, we make brands popular. We create work that is inclusive and bold and appeals to the mass market. We want to create work that a brand can grow into, that will appeal to more than just the immediate target...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Spotlight - Thomas Knowler

- View Thomas's Creativepool profile here Twitter: @knowlerdraws Tumblr: knowlerdraws.tumblr.com Vimeo: vimeo.com/knowler Website: knowlerdraws.co.uk "British born, School of Visual Arts (NYC) trained Animator and Illustrator. Obsessed with space,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Simon Pendry - Blue Marlin

"Blue Marlin is the home of landing big ideas, which are at the heart of everything we do. We pride ourselves on delivering relevant, unique and consistent experiences across brand touch points worldwide. Blue Marlin is an independent integrated...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... Paul Boag - Co founder at Headscape

"I have always been rubbish at elevator pitches! But here goes... Headscape is a web design company that offers development, design and consultancy services. We have a broad client base from large public sector organisations to charities, higher...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... Alexis Pratsides - Managing Director at MintTwist

"MintTwist is a London based, full service Digital Agency. Working with SMEs and Corporates in the UK, Europe and the Middle East, we help design and implement digital strategies that deliver a measurable ROI." What do you actually do? I oversee...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - Matt Johnstone - Illustrator

- View Matt's Creativepool profile. ‘Matt Johnstone is an illustrator based in London. He grew up in the Sussex countryside in a village called Steyning and since graduating from Central St. Martin's College of Art & Design has illustrated for...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - Mario Veltri - Motion Designer

‘Art needs love, dedication and constance' Describe your work in one sentence. I transform ideas in images and projects in Art. What's the most important thing you've learnt in your line of work? -Team working. With a group that believes in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - Mike Watkins - Freelance Graphic Designer

- View Mike's Creativepool profile ‘Don't just hold out for the cool ad or design agencies - there are thousands of other companies out there that have marketing/design departments' Describe your work in one sentence. Creative pixel...

Posted by: Creativepool


Creative tools of the trade

Shotopop Shotopop is the pebble beach pixel playground of Casper Franken, latte guzzling, medium format film collector and Carin Standford, sun seeking seamstress and mocha manic. It is the memory of an old man and the imagination of a little girl...

Posted by: Creativepool


Market conversations in the web 2.0 world

Kitcatt Nohr & Lazar Dzamic Since December 2007, Lazar Dzamic has lead the digital planning offering at Integrated agency, Kitcatt Nohr. Along with Planning Director, Richard Madden, Lazar leads digital strategy as Digital Planning Director, for...

Posted by: Creativepool


Design Portfolio Tips for Designers

Here's some industry advice on how to best showcase your creative potential in your design portfolio. Whether you're aiming at a creative role as a Graphic Designer with an advertising agency, or an Art working job for a blue chip client, we have...

Posted by: Creativepool


Job Description: Textile Designer.

Textile designers create designs for knitted, printed and woven textiles. These designs often feature repeating patterns. Job Description, salaries and benefits Textile designers create designs for knitted, printed and woven textiles. These designs...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to... Create a portfolio that best suits you.

Your portfolio is one of the most important things that need to be considered when thinking about applying for a new job. Us "old schoolers" have all spent countless hours trudging around Soho with our A2 portoflio in tow, ending the day with a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Taxing. What we can learn from the Starbucks fiasco.

by Magnus Shaw. There's only one thing that surprises me about the Starbucks saga, and it isn't their reluctance to pay tax. As large corporations are only really answerable to shareholders, that is to be expected. No, it's the fact they thought...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why did Murdoch's Daily iPad 'newspaper' fail?

by Magnus Shaw. Do you read The Daily? Unless you own an iPad style tablet you probably don't. Even if you do, you won't for very much longer. The Daily is a digital newspaper, published by Rupert Murdoch, available on tablets and closing any day...

Posted by: Creativepool


Over promise, under deliver. How lazy clients kill campaigns.

by Magnus Shaw. A couple of years ago an ailing roadside restaurant chain called in a radical TV chef to boost their menu and therefore their revenues. They refurbished some tired looking outlets, hired new people and ran a fairly hefty marketing...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight: Aindri Chakraborty

Website: aindri.com Creativepool: creativepool.com/aindri Facebook: www.facebook.com/aindri "I am an illustrator/designer/animator gathering experience in different sectors since 2006. My creative practice so far has covered education, television...

Posted by: Creativepool


The best a man can get: Ten milestone moments in advertising history.

1. 79 A.D. Billboards in Pompeii Ah! The glory of the ancient Roman empire. Olive skinned, muscular men striding the avenues, clad in togas, debating the great issues of the day. Beautiful, raven-haired maidens bearing baskets laden with the...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. Love to hate Damien Hirst.

by Jessica Hazel. Damien Hirst is one of Britain's richest people. In 1992 his pickled shark entitled 'The Physical Impossibility Of Death In The Mind Of Someone Living' was commissioned by Charles Saatchi for £50,000 and then sold in 2005 for...

Posted by: Creativepool


Speakers Corner: Alan Long - Proud to be Digital.

Welcome to the CP Soapbox! Speaker's Corner is an opportunity for indutry boffins to take centre-stage and put the (creative) world to rights. But we don't want to stop there! We want comments from 'the floor' so if you've got something you want to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Tweeting for crisps.

by Magnus Shaw Special K eternally pitched as a "healthy" food, it's now at the centre of an "eat this and wear smaller jeans" campaign. It must be going well, because a line of Special K snacks has been launched named "Cracker Crisps." It's no...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Help yourself. Is it ever okay to nick an idea?

by Magnus Shaw An enormous advertising company (Leo Burnett) and a small creative film company (Asylum) have had a difficult couple of weeks. It's a tangled tale but essentially Asylum produced a film for the McDonald's charitable foundation for Leo...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - The voice over artist

by John Fountain Successful voice-over talents often earn thousands in session fees and residuals, and more frequently than not, in less time than a half hour of work. Becoming a successful voice-over talent for television and radio commercials,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Sign here. Introducing the new freelance/client contract.

by Magnus Shaw Freelancing - it's a tough old game, eh? You don't know if you're coming or going half the time. Working in your jim-jams one day, sipping a latte in a la-di-da marketing agency the next. Occasionally you even miss "Cash In The...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Genius of the mainstream. Tony Scott remembered.

by Magnus Shaw A little over a day ago, Tony Scott - the renowned film and advertisement director - jumped to his death from a bridge in Los Angeles. The details remain unclear but he may have been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. Scott...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... 007 - gadgets which are a bit 'mnyehhh'

by Ashley Morrison Ever since I was a child, I've been a massive James Bond fan. I still treasure the Aston Martin DB5 (with ejector seat action) I was given as a seven-year-old, I own a collector's box set of the films, I can name the composer to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Trailblazers. Usain Bolt - the brand.

by Ashley Morrison Like the rest of the world, I'm very impressed by Usain Bolt. But not just for being the fastest man on the planet. I'm impressed because he has single-handedly turned himself into a perfect brand. A brand that is simple, clear,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Doing bird. Should Twitter be policed?

by Magnus Shaw In the early hours of this morning Dorset police arrested a 17-year-old boy. It's alleged he sent a tweet to Olympic diver Tom Daly which read "You let your dad down I hope you know that." Daly had finished fourth in the Men's...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - LOCOG: Lots Of Confusion Overshadows Games?

by Ashley Morrison So the Olympic opening ceremony is a week away and I, for one, am really rather excited. Yes, yes, I know it's all very trendy to want to flee the capital during the mayhem that will ensue (for that, read "I'm ticked off that I...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Unliked. Is the sheen coming off Facebook?

by Magnus Shaw When discussing Facebook, different rules apply. In Facebook's world, audiences, members, revenues and profits are measured on a macro-scale that dwarfs the figures bandied around in banking circles. A few statistics: -Users upload...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Talk yourself up, if you dare

by Ashley Morrison I'm very happy to take advice from people. The main caveat is that it has to be from someone who knows what they're talking about. The second caveat is that they have to practise what they preach. Below is a genuine profile from...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. Chindogu and other useless inventions.

by Jessica Hazel The Japanese are renowned for their position at the forefront of modern technology and invention along with their love of the absurd. In the 1980s amateur inventor Kenji Kawakami came up with the concept of Chindogu, a contemporary...

Posted by: Creativepool


Trailblazers: The Dark Side of Barbie

by Ashley Morrison Barbie is one of the most famous dolls, and even personalities, in the world. Girls, boys, women and men we've all heard of her and we all know that she lives in a fantastic world of clothes for every occasion, convertible sports...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Carr trouble. Why bad news needn't be taxing.

by Magnus Shaw Jimmy Carr is recording an episode of the sweary panel show 'Eight Out Of Ten Cats' tonight. A week ago, that news would be no more intriguing than discovering your train has a filthy lavatory. But a week is a long time in a troubled...

Posted by: Creativepool

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