Displaying 2593 - 2628 of 2777 results



Meet Lovies judge, Stefanie Hoffmann

Stefanie Hoffmann Founder Loui apps Find Stefanie online: www.gogogabi.com @nanou_ de.linkedin.com/in/stefaniehoffmann/ A bit about you Stefanie is a founding member of the MLOVE advisory board, honorary judge at the Lovie Awards. She...

Posted by: The Lovie Awards


Would Facebook rather protect its advertisers than its users?

Facebook claims to have cracked its rather awkward 'ads on offensive pages' problem. This week the social network's Director of Policy announced the site has completed the task of 'narrowing down the number of pages where ads will be shown'. Which...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Loan Arrangers. Is It High Noon For Wonga And Friends?

At some point, perhaps four years ago, doorstep lending ('The Tallyman', as my grandmother would have termed it) suddenly became terribly old fashioned and parochial. Recession and financial misery inflated the market for non-bank lending at a...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


We're being spied upon. But then, we made it so easy.

The most surprising aspect of the Edward Snowden case and the revelations about GCHQ is that anyone is surprised. Did we really imagine our 'lords and masters' had such respect for our privacy and dignity that they would resist the temptation to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Intrude out. Where now for disruptive advertising?

Disruption has always been key to the advertising model. Very few people opt to be exposed to marketing messages, therefore effective advertising has traditionally intruded into the content the audience has chosen to consume - a TV show, a magazine...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Ogilvy & Mather Retains Network of the Year Title at Cannes Lions 2013

Cannes, France - 22 June 2013 - In a year of firsts at the 60th Anniversary Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity 2013, Ogilvy & Mather has become the first agency to be awarded over 100 Lions in one year, while also winning its first ever Creative...

Posted by: Ogilvy UK


The Khloe effect. Has internet advertising abandoned creativity?

The Huffington Post reports that Khloe Kardashian (who?) is now being paid as much as $13,000 per tweet. The fee doesn't cover profound wisdom like "Remember sweat is fat crying" - it's for equally useful posts wherein she names brands and includes...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Whatever happened to proper advertising?

Last week I wrote a piece for Creativepool, suggesting the role of the copywriter had become sidelined to the extent that designers were now the 'creatives'. I also wondered whether this wasn't just an attack of paranoia. Well, it wasn't. The column...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


A shot in the dark. Is The Guardian wise to open a cafe?

When it comes to digital media The Guardian is certainly adventurous. Indeed, behind those doors at King's Place there's a policy/philosophy called 'digital first' - essentially a prioritisation of the newspaper's online activity, from podcasts to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

Travis Perkins appoints Amaze as its lead digital partner

29th May 2013: One of the largest building supplies providers in the UK, Travis Perkins Plc, has appointed Amaze as its lead digital partner. The brief was won following a four-way competitive pitch. As Travis Perkins’ lead digital partner,...

Posted by: AmazeRealise


The world's smallest movie: A Boy and His Atom

Big is beautiful but small can also be mightily impressive - including when it comes to design, illustration or animation on a tiny scale. And I'm not talking about those people on Brighton Pier who write your name on a grain of rice. No, I'm talking...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Video advertising thriving as Blinkx sees eightfold increase in profits

Blinkx has announced that its revenue has increased by 73% to $198m. Share price has been on a roller coaster following the company's failure to match analysts' early hope, however it has since more than doubled in the last year. The Blinkx report...

Posted by: Creativepool


Not 4U? How seventeen people put Channel 4 in OFCOM's bad books.

Channel 4 is in trouble with Ofcom. Not for a programme or an advertisement, but the juxtaposition of the two. The broadcasting regulator says the station broke their code on 26th December 2012 when they ran a commercial which gave the impression it...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


What the Blip? Is Independent Plus a media platform too far?

Ever get the feeling this whole digital hoopla is just being made up as we go along? Starting to suspect 'boffins' are just slinging out new widgets for a hungry world to scoop up and guzzle down, like mongrel hounds being thrown scotch eggs? Welcome...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


No More. Are print magazines in crisis?

On Tuesday, More! magazine's latest edition hit the shops. With Beyonce as its cover star, it was a notable issue because it was the very last one. Visit the More! website and you'll be met with a downbeat message: more! is a well-loved brand which,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Should celebrities be plugging advertisers in interviews?

The old adage asserts, 'Word of mouth is the best advertising'. And there's a lot of truth in that. When a satisfied customer recommends a product or service to a potential customer, a form of potent and cost-free advertising has taken place and it's...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


A lesson from Abraham Zapruder

The most viewed film of all time is Abraham Zapruder’s footage of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. It lasts just 28 seconds and it’s full of technical errors. There are camera shakes, the framing is poor, and the hand held footage is...

Posted by: Creativepool


ASDA's comms guy says websites are dead. Is he right?

At yesterday's Social Media World Forum, Dominic Burch - Head of Communications and Social Media for ASDA - said “Stop thinking about websites - they’re dead - just think about the content and getting that right for mobile. As reported...

Posted by: Creativepool


#CreateBritain makes waves

Create Britain is a national initiative, spearheaded by Creativepool, to celebrate and champion the creative industries and the £100 billion+ value they help to generate for the UK economy each year. Create Britain has already received...

Posted by:


Digital is not delivering on its promises

By John Fountain In the world of advertising, the concept of doing what you can to piss-off the public is rarely regarded as a good idea. We live in a world where consumers have millions of places to go and billions of messages to ignore or...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 Minutes with... Michael Tomes: the all-new Creativepool

by Ashley Morrison Last week was a big week for Creativepool: after months and months in the making, the new Creativepool website went live. So to crown its first full week of existence, we have the first ever interview with Michael Tomes,...

Posted by: Creativepool


The hardest word. Has 'sorry' lost all meaning?

by Magnus Shaw. Last weekend the BBC screened an episode of 'Tweenies' on their CBeebies channel and a minor fuss broke out. I should point out I don't watch CBeebies habitually and have never watched a complete 'Tweenies' show in my life - but I...

Posted by: Creativepool


Horsing around. How Tesco could turn a crisis into an opportunity.

by Magnus Shaw. If you're going to be rumbled loading beefburgers with something other than beef, try to ensure it's not horse. Oats would be better. Or sweets. But, not cat or hamster - and definitely not horse. As Tesco has discovered, people...

Posted by: Creativepool


Sorry, you're too creative.

by John Fountain. A few months back I was helping a friend review some CVs for a copywriting position. There was the usual mix of applicants and all of them from different writing backgrounds including b2b, pharmaceutical, PR, blogging, journalism,...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves...David Bowie - The Man Who Sold The World.

by Magnus Shaw. It doesn't matter if Sky TV project their logo onto the moon for three months. If Tesco book Al Pacino to front their 2013 campaign, it will make no difference. Should Galaxy build a scale model of the Hoover Dam from solid milk...

Posted by: Creativepool


Grey London brings us The Sun's Big Smile Giveaway

Grey London have worked with WPP's Team News agency to create a multi-channel campaign launching the Sun's Big Smile Giveaway. The campaign consists of promotions, giveaways, fun content, all to help the nation get through the 'depression' of...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... Simon Attwater, LBi London

When did you join LBi and what encouraged you to? I joined LBi two years ago, with my writer Abi Ellis. Why? We'd have been stupid not to. We love every medium, but LBi's devotion to digital made us weak at the knees. And still does. It has all the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Do you love what you do?

by Ashley Morrison. And do you do what you love? OR do you now HATE what you USED TO love? If it's the latter, is that because it's now your job - and, because you do it day in, day out, it's taken all the love away? I put out this question out in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Adam Chiappe - Forever Beta

Forever Beta is an integrated creative agency that believes in the power of WOW. We were voted ‘Best breakthrough agency” in this years MAA Awards. We believe everything is Forever Beta. Constantly changing, improving, researching,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Phil Swan - Erskine Design

What do you actually do? An average day might involve building a prototype for a web application, brainstorming ideas for a Facebook campaign or sifting through shed loads of data, trying to devise a logical architecture. I'm lucky as I get to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Neil Marra - Creativespark

What do you actually do? I was going to say walk around the office smoking but I gave up years ago - and do Creative Directors even do that anymore? Day-to-day, I mainly take lead role during the agency’s creative process, which is ‘DIG,...

Posted by: Creativepool

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