Displaying 73 - 108 of 1097 results



Why agencies get it so wrong when marketing themselves

Many years ago, I worked for an agency which specialised in recruitment and graduate communications. It was pretty successful too, with a host of blue-chip clients and a stack of creative awards. It was American owned, and one day the message came...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

Vodafone - Let's Go While I don't object to advertisements suggesting a product or service will enhance a small corner of my life (it could be argued that's what all advertising does), I do find it tiresome when a brand proposes it has unlocked the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The five most creative magazine covers of all time

Considering the magazine industry is in a pretty wobbly state, it's surprising how tame modern cover designs tend to be. Usually smothered in teaser lines over a bland Photoshop creation, it's increasingly difficult to tell one title from another. It...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

Very - Can't Wait For Summer Quite a plush and expensive looking spot for Very, here. And a nice little twist at the end. It's just a shame the whole thing is focused on models with 'perfect' beach bodies, rather than the actual people likely to be...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Five reasons we should be worried about the BBC

The BBC is great, right? Doctor Who, QI, Strictly Come Dancing - what's not to like? Of course, there's much to praise about our national broadcaster - after all, they've provided us with decades of creative highlights. But 2016 will see a crossroads...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

Travelodge - Travelodgical Here's an interesting thing. While Lenny Henry camps out in a railway station in their competitor's campaign, Travelodge pitch in with their guests as Sesame Street puppets. Other than comfort, I'm not entirely sure what...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Yummy! Why are we being spoken to like children?

Although one never expects a bingo company's advertising to be the height of sophisticated creative communication, I am being driven slowly crazy by Gala's new strapline. 'Sing Gala-la-la' it goes. Leaving aside the obvious gaffe they've made by...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

Irn Bru - Train The Irn Bru people have been making a virtue of tasteless ads for a while now. I suppose you'd call them 'cheeky', rather than full-on rude - and here's the latest. If one were to nit-pick, it could be said they are playing a bit...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Voting. The most creative thing you'll do this year.

Whatever your take on Russell Brand, you'd have to admit he's quite a creative soul. As well as his acting roles (in which he always plays himself) and stand-up gigs, he runs a popular YouTube channel 'The Trews' and writes books. But one thing you...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

The Green Party - Change The Tune Unlike the US position, political parties in the UK aren't permitted to buy up airtime for promotional purposes. They are, however, allocated pre-arranged slots on which to display their wares - and this is the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Is the Watch posing Apple an insurmountable problem?

If Apple excel at one thing, it's this: convincing us we own the pinnacle in technological achievement, and then replacing it. When we all bought our iPods, we couldn't imagine a day when they'd no longer be desirable, let alone available. Like a...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

Arnie And The Meerkat Unless you've been on holiday to Jupiter, you'll have seen the current 'Compare The Market' work, wherein Alexander and Sergei run into trouble with the former Terminator. But what happened behind the scenes? Here's your chance...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Say what? 15 ridiculous things overheard in agencies

Here's a little plug for a Twitter feed we can all enjoy. Called @AgencyQuotes, it simply compiles strange, amusing and ridiculous things which have been uttered in the offices of creative businesses throughout the land. Highly entertaining and...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

Dove (US) - Men Care Other than a common language, if there's one thing that separates the Brits from the Americans, it's advertising. Take this spot for Dove Men Care; you just know it's an American ad before you even hear the first 'Daddy!'. In...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Is social media making bullying acceptable?

It could be argued we might all benefit from a little digital detox, and TV presenter Sue Perkins has announced she's going to be spending some time away from Twitter. Unfortunately this isn't a lifestyle choice. She's actually been forced off the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

McCain - Real Tea Times With this new work and strapline, McCain are obviously determined to put their brands at the heart of British mealtimes - particularly their chips. This may not play well with health and nutrition campaigners, but will...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


10 Tips For Running A Cheaper Creative Business

As Mr. Osborne will never tire of telling us, between now and May 7th, things are looking up. The economy, which at one point was about as healthy as a pigeon in a bus lane, is really picking up. But make no mistake, this is no time to be frivolous...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising: Easter Special

Spar There's no doubt about it, Spar stores are very handy. In fact, where I live, they're the only shop open on Christmas Day. And here they come pitching their Easter offering, which interestingly seems to largely consist of booze. Not a chocolate...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


They may sell vacuum cleaners, but why are Queen so popular?

There's nothing new about TV ads using pop songs in their soundtracks. Think of all those Levis ads from the eighties - not only did they shift truckloads of jeans, they made the tunes hits all over again. From the Spice Girls flogging crisps, to The...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

THINK! - Drug Drive Paranoia No-one should underestimate the challenge of creating a decent public information film. Selling your audience tasty ice-cream is a walk in the park when compared with the task of changing people's lifestyle choices....

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


How David Cameron proved the brilliance of a vintage strapline

David Cameron won't serve a third term as Prime Minister. We know because, he's just told us on the telly. Which is odd, as he hasn't yet won a second term. Many hope he doesn't. Anyway, there'll be plenty of time for political manoeuvring and...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

M and M Direct - Start Saving Quite how a catalogue clothes company manages to use that name, without falling foul of the chocolate people (whose ad we reviewed last week), I'm not sure. Perhaps it's because their ad is so anodyne and dull, the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The blurred legal lines between inspiration and stealing.

When does homage become theft? And when does inspiration tip into plagiarism? Can a creative endeavour ever be called completely original? These were the questions facing a U.S. court, which last week found in favour of the family of the late soul...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

Capital FM - Biggest Hits I'm not overly fond of Capital Radio. Over the last decade they've set about eradicating truly local music radio, and ensuring its replacement is nothing more than banal yammering. But what of their advertising? Well, not...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


There's nothing fast about super-fast broadband

“Superfast broadband is much faster and more reliable than standard broadband. It lets you make video calls, do homework online and stream music, all at much higher speeds - and all at the same time.” That’s what the Government...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

Mars - Winning Yes, we all know they're much smaller than they used to be (Mars have admitted as much). But they're still one of the leading chocolate brands, and need the power of advertising to maintain that position. Fortunately, the Mars people...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The five briefs I don't want on my desk

Mussel meat A leading discount frozen food company is selling bags of 'mussel meat'. I may be wrong, but I suspect these are the unfortunate shellfish deemed too manky to be sold whole, and are therefore mushed up and flogged in a heaving mass. Good...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

McVities - Sweet Friends The image of two tough-nut window cleaners going all soppy over some soft toys is undeniably amusing, and that's what we find in the latest execution of McVities 'Sweet' campaign. Clearly a lot of time and money have been...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

Barclays - Code Playground There can be few things more important to a kid's education right now, than teaching them code. Whilst nothing is guaranteed, it's surely their best bet for a productive career in later life. So Barclays have launched an...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


If PR didn't exist, would we bother to invent it?

A few years ago, the politician and journalist Matthew Parris made a film for Channel 4’s ‘Without Walls’ strand, in which he declared public relations to be an utterly pointless industry, without merit or use. He was forced to eat...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

Jackpot Joy - Bus Stop There's so much to baffle me here (which leads me to suspect these people are not really addressing me). Does Barbara Windsor really need money so badly that she's forced to appear in online bingo ads? Can't Eastenders give...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Revenues are up at Twitter - so where now for the social network?

Whenever financial commentators comment on the fiscal possibilities of social media, the focus falls of Facebook. Understandable, I suppose. A fifth of the world's population has an account and the whole platform seems permanently balanced between...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising - Superbowl Special

Jamie Casino - Casino's Law It's hard to overstate the importance of the Superbowl to Americans. Ostensibly a sports final, it's actually a televisual event which unites the country annually - and the commercial breaks are just as important as the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


How the golden age of pop videos threw up a glorious abberation

The golden age of the pop video brought us a buffet of treats, didn’t it? Who could forget Simon Le Bon lashed to a windmill sail in ‘Wild Boys’? Or Paula Abdul flirty dancing with a cartoon cat in ‘Opposites Attract’....

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


At last, somebody has created the perfect copywriter's website.

Think back about fifteen years or so, and you'll probably see yourself slowly (very slowly) browsing the internet on your dial-up connection, looking at websites and thinking 'I've gotta get myself one of those'. If you're a designer or art director,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

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