Emily Woods Senior Designer & Art Director


While freelancing at the asos head office in Camden, I was handed the task of branding and designing the complete summer campaign for menswear 2016.

The Process
I was briefed by the head of design and pitched 2 ideas to the directors of menswear. The directors unanimously chose their favourite and from there I designed the digital hub of the asos website, animated versions of the logo, image styles and campaign assets for not only the UK market but 5 translated versions of their website.

I took inspiration for the colour scheme from the SS17 asos menswear collection. My first option was handmade stencil cardboard cut outs, scanned in and edited for colour. This option was inspired by wayfinding at the beach and the bright colours of summer. The chosen option was originally inspired by summer camp and the badges that go with them. This developed into retro summer rays but the summer camp hand woven retro effect was still kept and tied in nicely with the throwback vibes of the collection for that season.


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