About me

Oh, hello! My name is Chrissy, and I am a digital illustrator that specializes in character art, specifically horror/spooky art, pin-up, and character design.

My art is heavily inspired by a huge melting pot of cartoons from my childhood, graphic novels I fell in love with over recent years, and my love for film. My love for the arts is rooted in my start as an actress. More than anything, I love storytelling and the various platforms that allow you to do so. Whether it's on stage, in front of a camera, or on paper, I'm a fan of good narrative and the arts, so I create what helps to shape my passions.

Hopefully, I will be able to work on creating my own graphic novel someday, as well as developing a scripted show. I have a lot of plans for what I would like to accomplish, as long as I have the heart and passion for it.

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Cherry Hill, United States
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Creativepool member since 18 June 2019